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My Rules & Terms

I have rules

As a coach I have rules of who I coach and what’s expected.


I don’t coach people that see themselves as victims, I only coach people that are in charge of their lives and take responsibility for their decisions / actions.


I like to be present with you on our meeting, therefore I do not use a program or follow any template. I like to really see what’s going on in your life, hear what’s happening, work on your next big project and let the conversation take it’s own flow.


I will be 100% transparent, I promise I would not hide anything (at least consciously). I will be truthful and open, I will be vulnerable and caring, and I expect all of this from you too. If I sense you are not being open and honest I might terminate the session. I can not work with someone that is not being true to their nature.


I will request that you are respectful of my time. That means being on time for our sessions, trying not to exceed the cap time that we have set aside and cancelations must happen with 24hrs or more prior to the scheduled time. The reason for this is 1. I value my time, and 2. I value and respect my clients time and would not like to arrive late for a following appointment.


I expect you to be committed to the process. I will be 100% your team player and will do all it’s in my power to help you get to the life you deserve but you must do your part. If I sense in a consistent basis that you are not taking our time seriously and you are not committed to your growth I might terminate our agreement..

Agreement Terms

This Agreement ( the Agreement ) is between the undersigned client [named above] (“Client or You”or Your”) and M. Laura Castro (the Coach).

In consideration of the fees and services exchanged, the parties agree to the Terms and Conditions herein:

1. As a client, I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well-being during my coaching sessions, including my choices and decisions. I am aware that I can choose to discontinue coaching at any time. I recognize that coaching is not psychotherapy, medical advice, or psychiatric care and that professional referrals will be given if needed.

2. I understand that life coaching is a relationship I have with my coach that is designed to facilitate the creation/development of personal, professional, business, health, spiritual and other personal goals and carry out a strategy/plan/action for achieving those goals.

3. I understand that life coaching is comprehensive and may involve exploration into all areas of my life, including work, finances, health, spiritual, relationships, education, and recreation. I acknowledge that deciding how to handle these issues and implement my choices is exclusively my responsibility.

4. I understand that life coaching does not treat mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. I understand that life coaching is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or substance abuse treatment, and I will not use it in place of any form of therapy.

5. I promise that if I am currently in therapy or otherwise under the care of a mental health professional, that I have consulted with this person regarding the advisability of working with a life coach and that this person is aware of my decision to proceed with the life coaching relationship.

6. I understand that the information will be held as confidential unless I state otherwise in writing, except as required by law.

7. I understand that life coaching is not to be used in lieu of professional advise. I will seek professional guidance for legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual, or other matters. I understand that all decisions in these areas are exclusively mine, and I acknowledge that my decision and my actions regarding them are my responsibility. I have read and agreed to the above.

8. Cancellation Policy: In the event that you decide to cancel this Agreement, you must provide a written notice, stating the reasons that you have decided to cancel. 

9. Phone Call Sessions: You will contact your Coach at agreed upon times, by calling 310.350.2984, and you will be responsible for the telephone charges. To avoid these charges you will be offered a Skype call to user lau_2006.

10. Reschedule/Missed Sessions: If you are late the coaching session will end at its regularly scheduled time, irrespective of the length of the session, and will be considered complete. Rescheculing needs to happen with more than 24hrs in advance. More than 3 cancelations in a 3 month period could incur in termination of this agreement.

11. Indemnification: You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the coach, and affiliated companies, their officers, directors and employees from any and all claims, demands, suits, expenses, costs, judgments or other charges incurred by you as a result of your choice to participate in these coaching sessions as outlined by this Agreement. You will not hold the coach responsible for any negligent actions or adverse results, whether known or unknown, that you may incur or suffer as a result of the coaching sessions you receive pursuant to this Agreement.

12. Disputes: Any controversy between you and the coach arising out of, in connection with or related to this Agreement shall be submitted to final, binding and conclusive arbitration. Any arbitration shall be held in Los Angeles, California and the laws of California shall govern this Agreement.