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The storm will go away

The storm will go away

We all go through difficult moments in our lives. Lately I have been hearing a lot of people dealing with their own storms. So I sat down quite today and tried to meditate on it. In my world the reality is that some storms take longer than others; some leave trails,...
Make better decisions

Make better decisions

You know how some times you are not sure if you are making the right decisions? Well, usually we get triggered by outside pressure, or maybe things that we consider to be urgent and take up a lot of space but are not necessarily important (at least for us). So how can...
4 steps to start getting results

4 steps to start getting results

I’ll give you my secret formula below of how to actually get stuff done! But first I’d like to ask you:Has it ever happen to you that you are all excited and pumped-up and all of the sudden someone says or does something that demotivates you? Or even...
Expanding your comfort zone

Expanding your comfort zone

Have you ever feel stressed just of thinking that in order to grow, evolve, or achieve a goal you MUST ‘step out of your comfort zone’? If yes, you are like me!!! Every time I think about those words I start to think the 1,001 excuses why it won’t...
How life reminders can keep you focus

How life reminders can keep you focus

You might ask yourself what are ‘Life Reminders’ and how they can help you. Well, I was having a coaching session today with a client and I shared with him a tool that I use to help me keep focus. Afterwards I asked myself how was it possible that I...
Teacher’s Day

Teacher’s Day

Probably you will think why am I writing about Teacher’s Day in September?! Well, yesterday (September 11) was teacher’s day in Argentina, where I am from. And since teaching runs in my family I wrote something to my mom that triggered me to write...
My dear friend

My dear friend

Beginning of this year went through a tough experience. I was in Buenos Aires, Argentina (my home town) and a couple of days prior to getting back home I found out that a dear friend of mine here in the U.S. has M.S (multiple sclerosis). I have to say that it’s...
The best version of you

The best version of you

Today I was at a friend’s facebook page and I saw this amazing quote and I just felt I needed to share it. Thank’s Sarah @ Osteostrong! I just freaking love it. It’s so simple and amazingly true and at the same time so hard for most of us to...